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MP -“And excuse me- it’s your DUTY to get angry???? No, it isn’t. What you SHOULD do is try to understand that because there are so many different views and opinions out there, we must be as accepting as possible. And if you believe someone is really doing something wrong, you can try to let them know in a POLITE, SENSITIVE way. I repeat: POLITE and SENSITIVE. Not by shouting, getting angry, or being rude. Letting anger into your heart will make you a sad, lonely person.”

What you fail to understand or don’t want to understand is not every scenario is the same. EG. – If s/o doesn’t know what Shabbos is and comes and posts here that he thinks it’s great to drive around in his sports car on Shabbos, then he should be treated with respect.

OTOH, if s/o is well aware what Shabbos is (eg. he was FRUM his whole life till a year ago) and posts the same thing -then he should NOT be treated with any respect.

It’s the same thing with these Zionist Holidays. They are well aware what Most Yeshiva people hold -that Zionism goes against their core religious beliefs. So if s/o comes here and starts praising them -there is nothing wrong and just the opposite, it should illicit a strong response. Shlomoh Hamelech said -“there are times for everything.”