Reply To: PHOTO: Orthodox Jewish Man Covers Himself In Plastic Bag On Plane

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I’m not quite sure why i’m responding here.

It’s absolutely astounding how ignorant people are to basic tumah v’tahara issues.

1- as said before Tumah goes up to the Raki’ah (why some people think it stops at the clouds , not quite sure

2- the idea that it cant have a hole is false. 2a- Mukaf Tzamid Pesil can have holes, it’s a common misconception that it cant

2b – thats not even (IMHO) the issue here

3- the issue as discussed in MANY mishnayot in Ohalot is that something which is not mekabl tumah is Chotzetz befnei Hatumah

A hole if smaller then a tefach will not transmit tumah into the bag

4-plastic since it was not around at the time of the gemara is a mechloket achronim (similar to the tevilat kelim issue) if it’s mekabel tumah. the Kohanim that are prepared get something that is made out of something that definitly isn;t mekabel tumah

regardless i’m assuming he relies on a sfek sfeka for the plastic