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Most women have no idea, not a clue, about a man’s yetzer hara. Every male has a strong tendency to see women in an Arayos fashion. Every male.

A frum man will try to combat it. The greatest, like the Steipler Goal and the Baba Sali, were on constant guard to fight it. They would not speak with women. They would even not read a note from a woman (they could tell who wrote it just by looking at the writing), for they knew the enemy better than us. They stopped all infiltration, even the slightest.

A non-frum man will become ensnared by the enemy and become it’s slave. He will try to constantly feed his evil master. He then will look for ways to play the field, planting traps, lure the prey, hunt, and kill to feed the enemy. But the desire is only momentarily sated; soon to desire more, as the hunger grows.