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OneOfMany said: “MDG: So you’re saying that one of the most active and combat-ready military forces in the world is in some significant proportion structured around providing its soldiers opportunity for fornication?

…really? “

Yes. What does one have to do with the other? Men can be physically intimate and emotionally detached at the same time. We all need some entertainment – some are more Tahor than others.

Rabbi David Orlofsky has a good shiur on a man’s yaitser hara and how many men will do whatever it takes to satisfy that urge. You can find it at


Naftush said: “This friend must have reported the ghastly incident to someone, say, a media correspondent, a government watchdog, or a lawyer acquaintance….”

No one was forced to do anything. They just set up the situation for debauchery and let nature take its course. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. If the horse is thirsty, it’s going to drink.