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Perhaps you should remove the wool of Zionism from over your eyes to see just how misguided both your remarks and their “umbrage” (not “humbrage”) are.
See Rav Elchanan Wasserman’s Ikvisa DiMishicha:
“Nationalism is idolatry…religious nationalism is avodah zarah [with religion]”
Read it. There’s plenty more.
He also mentions the Three Oaths which Zionists still somehow dismiss as “mere agadita” (wrong on both counts, incidentally) despite the savage terrorism the Arabs committed in Israel never before seen in history. R”L L”A.
Please see above: any nationalism (or anything else non-Torah) that you try to graft on to our holy Torah is idolatry. (Israel is anyways still Socialist, but that is not relevant.) The A”Z is the point, besides that the Zionists are destroying Torah as best as they can, CH”V.
Zionism is nothing like simple (American or other) Patriotism, and certainly not so when viewed from a “Religious-Zionist” perspective. If it were only patriotism, then we wouldn’t be having this absurd discussion of saying Hallel on a secular independence day just as, lihavdil, we don’t say Hallel on July 4th.
Avi: All the massive amounts of blood spilled, CH”V, for or because of this idol of Zionism (some of that in various cruel and barbaric ways) to create and maintain its State at any cost, is clearly no indication that Hashem wants the State any more than the Holocaust’s multi-year existence would show that He wanted the Holocaust, CH”V.
Not to mention the uncomfortable (to Zionists) facts of how it’s A”Z and a violation of the oaths and much more. That Hashem *allowed* the State is quite obvious.
But allowing and wanting (again, see WW-II) are two very different concepts.
Health often brings up Turkey. While the facts on the ground make the situation difficult to resolve al pi derech haTeva (since the Zionists made such an enormous mess), there are still certain things that could be done easily, if only the majority of Klal Yosrael were interested in doing the following and not blinded by Zionism.
One of those is: Just as Turkey is known as a secular state, and not representative of Muslims, so, too, Israel should be known as a secular State and not representative of, liHavdil, Jews.