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Here is what Horav Hagaon Rav Avigdor Miller ZT”L has to say on Yom Hoatzmaut. Of course Hallel is Assur. read on……

Parshas Tazria-Metzora 5773 This email is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures. To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 732-534-8868


How should we celebrate on Yom Ha’atzmaut?


You should not. I’ll tell you why. Yom Ha’atzmaut is a day that was invented not by the chachmei haTorah ; it was invented by a group of atheists, called the Knesset. Now in the Knesset there are some decent people too, but the majority are atheists. When atheists get together and they pass a rule that this and this day should be celebrated by the Jewish people, we’ll ignore them entirely.

The only ones that make laws for the Jewish people are the people who keep the laws of the Jewish people. People that don’t eat kosher, that don’t believe in the Torah, have no business telling us what to do. Therefore, we celebrate the Yom Ha’atzmaut by ignoring it entirely . We pray always for our fellow Jews wherever they are. We pray for them whether they’re in Beunos Aires, whether they’re in Poland, in Eretz Yisroel, we pray for our fellow Jews.

But! When it comes to making laws, like for instance: those people who said, you should make a fifth cup at the Seder, one cup for Soviet Jewry. So we say, the ones that told us to keep the four Kosos, they’re the ones who’ll tell us to make the fifth Kos when Mashiach will come.