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Nothing will convince the proponents of the so-called satmarer shittah (health, hakatan, kanoi next door [maybe all of them ,the same person!)that the medinah is a mitzvah or good for the Jews. Fine. But I cannot let by Health’s rebuttal to my assertion -that EVERYTHING comes from HKBH -by claiming bechira.
Look- for individuals there is indeed bechira- for good or for bad. However, for HISTORY, there is no such thing as bechira. It is truly “kefirah” to say that bechira caused- for example- churban bays rishon (after all they had plenty of sins!)and that HKBH’s will was not involved. This view- BY DEFINITION- is “kefirah’, because you assert that events happen without HKBH’s will. There is NOTHING that happens in this world without HKBH’s will. bechira is for us ,individuals, but history only moves as per HKBH’s will. Anything else is kefirah,plainand simple. So, yes, the Holocaust happened because HKBH willed it- with tragic circumstances for klal yisroel and the medina happened-by HKBH’s will, with benieficial aspects for klal ysroel. You are entitled th debate the “WHY” of these events but not the actual event.