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I know there have been many shidduch threads before. I am a guy in my twenties and have had enough of going out with girls who dont seem to be getting dates. I understand shaddchanim work really hard and some girls do get many dates however I have already went out with a few girls who seem to be in a lot of pain as if shaddchanim arent doing their best.

Elmo, you have a lot to learn about life!!! When you go out with a girl the focus is meant to be will you and her be a compatible match. Not how many more guys has she dated before you.. I’ve been a shadchan for five years now and i know youll be surprised bh this one but the amount of no’s I get from the girls side is far more than the guy’s there are a lot of quality good girls out there who have gone or are in college and have everything going for them but will not get dates because the guys that are religiously compatible are not nessarily as educated and worldly as the girls..