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They were borderline Chechnians and Dagestanis. Both are mostly Islamic places. Dagestan is still part of Russia, Chechnya a little bit less. (On Google Maps you’ll see Chechnya marked as a semi-separate part of Russia, while Dagestan is not). They were from Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan.

Regarding Dagestan – search Wikipedia for “Shariat Jamaat”, says enough.

These guys however seemed to be acting on their own. If it’s true the older brother was there for 6 months last year that does sound a bit suspicious, but even then, I agree with the general consensus that it is highly unlikely that the Caucasian Islamist terrorist groups would want to target the USA intentionally. They have enough problems with the Russians – they don’t need another enemy.

Most likely these were just “lone wolf” terrorists, not affiliated with any group.

I could be wrong, though.