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Parshas Shemos: Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky – With All The Chesed, It’s Only About Yiras Shamayim

Shifra and Puah, two nurses, were commanded by the mightiest man on earth, Paroh the King of Mitzrayim, to kill all male born Jews. They not only disobeyed his command, but to add insult to injury, they even provided food and comfort to the newborn children. Their bravery and kindness was incomprehensible.

Yet, when the Torah mentions their greatness it says (Shemos 1:21), “Vayehi Ki Yaru HaMiyaldos Es HaElokim Vayaas Lahem Batim.” Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky says, “We see a great lesson here. They were rewarded in kind by Hashem, but not for their outstanding mesiras nefesh, and not for their chesed. They were rewarded for their Yiras Shamayim.

To rise to great heights one needs extraordinary levels of Yiras Shamayim. And when you reach those heights, it is the gigantic underlying Yiras Shamayim that is your true achievement. Accomplishments are not in our hands, nor is it something we should take pride in. Yiras Shamayim is!”