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- This topic has 24 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 10 months ago by HaLeiVi.
December 17, 2010 2:30 pm at 2:30 pm #593564wants to be a WIYMember
Proposed: A clipboard for clippings only no comments or commentary
Something like this
Parshas Vayechi: Minchas Yitzchok – The Secrets Revealed In Yosef’s Kesuba
When Yosef brought Menashe and Ephraim to Yaakov for a Bracha, Yaakov asked, (Vayechi 48:8-9) “Mi Eileh” who are they?” Yosef answered, “Banai Heim; They are my children.” Rashi says that Yosef showed Yaakov his Shtar Eirusin and his Kesuba. The Sifsei Chachomim explains that Yaakov was afraid they were Mamzeirim and not worthy of a Bracha.
The Shalal Rov asks from the Baal Minchas Yitzchok that what would these documents prove, maybe Yosef married a women who was illegitimate? Also it was before Matan Torah so what kind of Mamzeirus was there? Yaakov himself married two sisters outside Eretz Yisrael.
The Minchas Yitzchok answers that Yaakov wanted to know who their mother was, and why they were worthy to receive a bracha. Who was this Osnas the daughter of Potifera anyway? Chazal tell us that Osnat was the daughter of Dina born from Shchem and sent away from the house of Yaakov.
Yosef brought the Kesuba where Osnat’s real identity was revealed in order to show Yaakov that she was a worthy woman straight from the house of Yaakov,</blockquote? Revach.net
December 17, 2010 5:56 pm at 5:56 pm #950070Trying to be helpfulMemberParsha Perspectives
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Partners in torah
December 17, 2010 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm #950071Shouldnt be hereMemberGood Shabbos Everyone . In this week’s parsha Yakov Avinu blesses his sons, the 12 tribes. There are many deeper meanings which are hinted to in the blessings. Regarding the blessing for Yehuda, his father Yakov says, “Red eyed from wine, and white toothed from milk.” (Bereishis 49,12) The Sages say that in this blessing is hinted to the idea that it is better to smile at someone than to give him milk; meaning that it is even better to be nice to someone than to give them something. The following story illustrates the importance of being kind to others.
One Friday morning in December 1996, Sheppy Borgen was driving from Williamsburg to Boro Park. The corner of Bedford Avenue and Keap Street is an unofficial meeting place for religious Jews seeking rides to Boro Park. Dozens of people get their rides there every day.
As Sheppy came to the light at Bedford and Keap, just two blocks before entering the Brooklyn Queens Expressway, he noticed a chassidishe fellow waiting on the corner, peering into each passing car hoping for a ride. Sheppy slowed to a halt, opened the passenger-side window, and called out in Yiddish, “Do you need a ride?” The chassid said ?yes,? and Sheppy motioned for him to get into the back seat of his Town Car and told him to make himself comfortable.
Sheppy, who lives in Forest Hills, Queens, is a tall and imposing fellow with a heart to match. He is admired and liked by everyone. He was president of his shul for many years, has been honored by numerous organizations, and is an easy conversationalist. He and the chassid made small talk as traffic, in a rare departure from the usual, moved swiftly through downtown Brooklyn under the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges past Atlantic Avenue onto the Prospect Expressway. Since it was Friday, the chassid spoke of the upcoming parshah. Sheppy countered with a relevant story from his repertoire of favorite stories.
The chassid spoke of his children and grandchildren and Sheppy spoke of the upcoming wedding of his daughter in three days. When they arrived in Boro Park the two wished each other “Gut Shabbos” and “mazel and simchas” in each other’s families.
Within minutes of leaving the car, the chassid realized that he had left a bag with very valuable contents in Sheppy’s car. He became frantic because he didn’t know the driver’s name, only that he lived in Queens and was about to marry off his daughter.
Later that morning when Sheppy came to his office in Long Island City, he emptied the contents of his car and he, too, realized that the chassid had left a bag in the back seat. He looked into the bag and saw that there were numerous brass pipes and tubes that seemed to be of little value. He put the bag in his office and figured he would deal with it when he got back on Monday. He, too, had no idea of the identity of the chassid except that he lived in Boro Park and had nice things to say about the parshah.
That afternoon, the chassid went to the Skulener Rebbe, Rabbi Yisrael Portugal, and worriedly told his Rebbe of his loss. “Much of my parnassah (livelihood) for the next year is in that bag,” he cried. “How can I get it back?” The Rebbe thought for a moment and then called in his gabbai (attendant) and gave him instructions.
Rabbi Peretz Steinberg, Rav of the Young Israel of Queens Valley and former president of the Vaad Harabbonim of Queens, was surprised to get a call from the Skulener gabbai that erev Shabbos. “The Skulener Rebbe wants to know if you know anyone in Queens that is making a chasuna for a daughter in the next few days.” The gabbai explained that the contents in the missing bag were valued at close to $40,000. It was actually unprocessed gold that would be used for bracelets, earrings, and necklaces.
“Queens is a big place,” chuckled Rabbi Steinberg, “there is Kew Garden Hills, Kew Gardens, Rego Park, Forest Hills, Hillcrest, Jamaica Estates ? a Yid from any of those places could have given the chassid a ride.”
“The owner thinks that the driver said he was in the chemical soap business. Does that help?” “That helps,” said Rabbi Steinberg. “I’ll see what I can find out.”
“Please,” the gabbai pleaded, “the man is desperate and he stands to lose a fortune.”
Friday night as Rabbi Steinberg peered at the balabatim (business people) in his shul, he noticed Mr. Jerry Meyer.
“Jerry is a photographer,” thought Rabbi Steinberg. “He might know.” After davening, Rabbi Steinberg approached Mr. Meyer and said, “Jerry, I’m trying to help a Yid in Boro Park. Are you by any chance doing a wedding for a Queens family next week?” Jerry thought for a moment and said, “Yes, I’m doing a wedding for Sheppy Borgen, Tuesday night in Westchester.”
“Do you know what he does for a living?” Rabbi Steinberg asked anxiously. “Isn’t he in the industrial cleaning business or something like that?” asked Jerry. Rabbi Steinberg was elated at the possibility of having solved the mystery so quickly. He couldn’t wait to call Sheppy Borgen, who lives a few miles away in Forest Hills.
After Shabbos, Rabbi Steinberg called Sheppy and, in his usual upbeat cheery voice, wished him mazel tov on the upcoming wedding. Then, laughing, he asked, “Did you by any chance pick up a chassid yesterday in Williamsburgh?” Sheppy laughed, “Rabbi Steinberg, are you a navi – prophet? How do you know? I actually did and he left a bag in my car.”
“That’s exactly why I’m calling. It’s not some bag. It’s got close to $40,000 dollars worth of unprocessed gold in it!”
“What?” exclaimed Sheppy. “It looked like cheap pieces of piping. But okay, if you say it’s expensive, I’ll bring it back on Monday when I go into the office.”
“No,” said Rabbi Steinberg. “I’m sorry to bother you, but it’s too valuable to leave unattended for that long. Could I trouble you to get it to me soon as you can, tonight?” When Sheppy readily agreed, Rabbi Steinberg called the Skulener gabbai and told him the good news.
By Sunday morning the material was in the hand of its rightful owner! “Mi K’Amcha Yisroel!” – who is like you Israel among the nations! Good Shabbos Everyone.
email from Good Shabbos Everyone [[email protected]]
December 19, 2010 3:13 am at 3:13 am #950073Trying to be helpfulMemberHalacha – siman ra
Submitted by Reb Dov Answered by Rav Peretz Moncharsh
Question: Is it a siman ra (according to R’ Yehudah Hachassid) to hit a deer. i ran into 2 over last 3 months. if so, what action if any should be taken?
Answer: I’m not familiar with any mention of this issue in the writings of R’ Yehuda HaChosid. However it certainly is a sign that you should drive carefully. Also, a collision with a dear is very dangerous and you should bench gomel.
December 19, 2010 5:37 am at 5:37 am #950074WolfishMusingsParticipantWhen Yosef brought Menashe and Ephraim to Yaakov for a Bracha, Yaakov asked, (Vayechi 48:8-9) “Mi Eileh” who are they?” Yosef answered, “Banai Heim; They are my children.” Rashi says that Yosef showed Yaakov his Shtar Eirusin and his Kesuba. The Sifsei Chachomim explains that Yaakov was afraid they were Mamzeirim and not worthy of a Bracha.
Ya’akov had already been in Egypt for seventeen years. Had he not in all those years asked Yosef whom he married? Had he not met his grandsons in all those years?
Of course, there’s also the issue that the only way Yosef could possibly have fathered a mamzer is with a close relative. A marriage between a Jew and a non-Jew does not produce a mamzer — especially in cases where it is the wife who is not Jewish. Under what possible circumstances could Yosef’s children have been mamzerim?
The Wolf
The Wolf
December 19, 2010 2:42 pm at 2:42 pm #950075wants to be a WIYMemberThe below is from Rav Eli Mansour ????”? who is Syrian for whom ? is S & a ???? is a Misva
December 19, 2010 2:52 pm at 2:52 pm #950076blueprintsParticipantShouldn’t be here: that was a good story
How can I get emails from good Shabbos everyone?
December 19, 2010 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm #950077Shouldnt be hereMembersend an email to the address at the end of the story.
In everyday life the publisher Mr W. is an Attorney specializing in traffic tickets
December 19, 2010 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm #950078blueprintsParticipantit’s a frum publication right?
December 19, 2010 6:59 pm at 6:59 pm #950079BP ZaidehMemberRabbi Wolfe of Zbarazh was a Chasidic master known for his eagerness to defend the poor and the victimized.
One day, he heard unpleasant sounds coming from the kitchen. Putting aside the book he was studying, he went to find out what was happening there. His wife was having a disagreement with the maid. “She broke an expensive dish,” the annoyed Rebbetzin explained to him.
“It was an accident,” cried the maid.
“No, she did it on purpose, to annoy me, and I’m going to deduct it from her wages,” countered the Rebbetzin.
“Then I shall go to the rabbinic court,” said the maid.
“Go ahead, and I’ll come too!” said the Rebbetzin.
“And me too,” said her husband.
“You? Why are you coming? I don’t need you there.I can present my case myself”
“She does,” said Rabbi Wolfe, “you are the wife of a Rebbe; she is only a poor maid. She needs me to defend her.”
December 19, 2010 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm #950080Shouldnt be hereMemberMr W is a shtreimel yid. I know him personally, When you ask for a subscription don’t tell him you saw his stuff on in a Coffee Room for more of his stories see ttp://www.notspeeding.com/gs/index.asp
December 20, 2010 12:59 am at 12:59 am #950081wants to be a WIYMemberNot short & not sweet
Just saw this link in another thread
Must reading for anyone interested in the history of Yiddishkeit in America
December 20, 2010 6:37 pm at 6:37 pm #950083December 20, 2010 6:40 pm at 6:40 pm #950084Shouldnt be hereMemberRav Moshe Shternbuch: Is It Preferable to Speak Ivrit Over English?
RavMoshe Shternbuch (1:538) quotes the Rambam who says that the language is not important, only the content. Nevertheless says Rav Shternbuch, to the extent that the language you speak will impact the content you discuss, it does become an issue.
Therefore if when speaking Lashon Kodesh you will not speak Lashon Hara and other forbidden things like leitzanus and lies, then surely it is better to speak Lashon Kodesh. If however you will speak these things even in Lashon Kodesh,then he says it is better not to defile the holy language with improper speech and you are better off speaking a different language.
However he makes a distinction between Lashon Kodesh and “Ivrit”. Ivrit he says, is worse than other languages because it was created by people who have no part of the Torah and all their intentions were purely nationalistic. Certainly there is no kedusha in this language. He adds that when the non-religious element started speaking Ivrit in Yerushalayim, Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin decided that the people in Yerushalayim should switch over to speaking Yiddish as opposed to Lashon HaKodesh, which was too similar to the national language of Ivrit.
December 20, 2010 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm #950085The chamelonMemberDecember 21, 2010 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm #950086wants to be a WIYMemberParshas Shemos: Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky – With All The Chesed, It’s Only About Yiras Shamayim
Shifra and Puah, two nurses, were commanded by the mightiest man on earth, Paroh the King of Mitzrayim, to kill all male born Jews. They not only disobeyed his command, but to add insult to injury, they even provided food and comfort to the newborn children. Their bravery and kindness was incomprehensible.
Yet, when the Torah mentions their greatness it says (Shemos 1:21), “Vayehi Ki Yaru HaMiyaldos Es HaElokim Vayaas Lahem Batim.” Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky says, “We see a great lesson here. They were rewarded in kind by Hashem, but not for their outstanding mesiras nefesh, and not for their chesed. They were rewarded for their Yiras Shamayim.
To rise to great heights one needs extraordinary levels of Yiras Shamayim. And when you reach those heights, it is the gigantic underlying Yiras Shamayim that is your true achievement. Accomplishments are not in our hands, nor is it something we should take pride in. Yiras Shamayim is!”
December 21, 2010 6:29 pm at 6:29 pm #950087Shouldnt be hereMemberMany commentators raised the question of why Yosef failed to fulfill this Misva during his years in Egypt. Why did he never mail a letter to his aged and grieving father, Yaakob, to inform him that he is well? Certainly, Yosef was a righteous Sadik who honored his father. Why, then, did he never write home?
Rav Eli Mansour dailyhalacha
December 22, 2010 7:25 pm at 7:25 pm #950088BP ZaidehMemberIt is forbidden for a man to have his hair cut by a woman, and for a woman to have her hair cut by a man.
A woman may sing to herself, and a preschool teacher may sing to the children under her care, even if there is a non-Jewish man in the vicinity who will hear her singing.
December 22, 2010 7:28 pm at 7:28 pm #950089wants to be a WIYMemberThe Chofetz Chaim Of Email
I saw a very thought provoking exchange between two people, discussing today’s communication technology. Until now electronic communication primarily revolved around email. When writing an email most people write it and then reread it, making technical corrections as well as contextual. Often after reading an email we will edit out parts deeming them inappropriate. It may have seemed fine when writing it, but when you judge it as a reader you realized it is better not said or at least said in a different way.
Then there is instant messaging. Unlike email when the reader and writer are not communicating in real time, and the reader reads it whenever he has a chance, the exchanges here are live and in real time with both people reading and responding as soon as the message is received. Even here, however, each person writes their thoughts, edits them and then hits the send button. As one writes, the person on the other end just sees a message telling him that his friend is in middle of typing but he does not know what is being written.
Recently a new technology allows the recipient to see each letter as the writer types it. Sounds great, doesn’t it? You don’t need to wait and wonder. You watch it happen, as it happens. People all over the world are marveling at this communication breakthrough. One fellow however was not so impressed. “I am a terrible speller! Do you think I want the other person to see all my mistake before my spellchecker saves me shame? Besides I write so many dumb sarcastic jokes that I usually end up erasing them and saving myself lots of grief. Now every word I think of typing will be out there and can’t be taken back!”
These are pretty valid gripes. However after hearing this argument, another fellow wanted to know why he was suddenly so concerned about letting inappropriate remarks slip out of his computer, while he doesn’t seem to disturbed about comment that roll off the tip of his tongue. You can’t take those back either. Do you have an internal voice editing system, the commenter wanted to know?
Many thinkers, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, decry the breakdown of good old communication. People no longer speak to each other, they email and text message in terribly impersonal ways. They are curt and don’t develop their speech. Here is another way of looking at it. It is great!!! From a Daas Torah perspective we talk way more than we should. And when we start, every last comment and then some, come tumbling out of our mouths uncensored.
Sure the internet has its dangers, and as per our gedolim it should be avoided to the greatest extent possible. But the telephone was probably the greatest communication disaster in technology history. It changed the way we speak forever. Not seeing the person we are talking with made it that much easier to get wrapped up in our own thoughts without considering what we are saying or that someone is actually listening. Email however takes us a century back in time when communication meant thinking about what we say, reviewing it to make sure its appropriate and not hurtful, and lastly only saying what we need to say without rambling on from topic to topic, unimpeded.
So why is it that we are careful with the written word but not the spoken word? Probably because we have this notion that words disappear into thin air. Once we say it, we tend to move on and we don’t realize that just like the written word that can be read and reread, the spoken word can scar a person’s heart and be replayed over and over again in their mind after we have long forgotten our hurtful utterances. An off the cuff response about another person can have repercussions for many generations and alter a person’s life and future.
We may never be the Chofetz Chaim but now that we’ve learned to respect the written word and it forms an essential part of our daily communications, we need to transfer some of this accountability to our spoken word. As frum Yidden we truly believe that each word is recorded and will be replayed to us in front of the Heavenly court. We know that Ozen Shomaas, the great ear in Shamayim is listening. But more than listening, even our spoken words are being written down on a very large computer faraway above the land. Not only do we need to be careful before we hit the send button we need to be just as careful before opening our mouth. Because when non-Jews start giving Mussar about Shmiras HaLashon, we ought to listen carefully
December 23, 2010 1:37 pm at 1:37 pm #950090The chamelonMemberRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach: Throw Out Your Old Junk, Your House Is Not a Junkyard
A husband and wife had a disagreement on what to do with old items sitting in the house collecting dust. The husband wanted to throw them out while the wife insisted that he find someone who could use it and not throw it in the garbage. Rav Shlomo Zalman answered that obviously it’s best if there is someone else who can use it but if not, they should trash it without any hesitation.
Why? Firstly he said one needs to keep order in their house and not live in a junkyard of “Shmattes”. Secondly it is not Baal Tashchis because searching for someone to take it if there aren’t any readily available takers is Baal Tashchis of your precious time which is more important not to waste. (Aleihu Lo Yibol YD 158)
December 23, 2010 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm #950091Trying to be helpfulMemberWhen faced, with a decision, ask yourself, “How would I decide if it were Ne’ilah right now?” Reb Yisroel Salanter
December 23, 2010 9:48 pm at 9:48 pm #950093wants to be a WIYMemberParshas Shemos: Kli Yakar – Two Reactions To The Oppression In Mitzrayim
“Vayei’anchu Bnei Yisrael Min HaAvodah Vayizaku; Bnei Yisrael sighed from the work and they cried.” (Shemos 2:23). The Kli Yakar asks, “Why does the pasuk separate the sighing and crying instead of putting them together?”
He answers that there were two distinct reactions to the Koshi HaShibud. The first group were the good people. When they could no longer shoulder the pain, they cried to Hashem to relieve them. The second group cried but not to Hashem. They lamented their plight and complained against Hashem. “These two groups,” says the Kli Yakar, “needed to be mentioned separately and not in the same breath.”
History has shown this time and time again. Bnei Yisrael has faced many periods of oppression. Some people scream to Hashem, while some blame Hashem and walk away altogether. The Kli Yakar adds that pasuk ends, “Vataal Shavasam El HaElokim; The cries were heard by Hashem.” But whose cries were heeded? “Min HaAvodah,” only the group who cried to Hashem from the Avodah, and not the ones who rebelled because of it.
December 26, 2010 5:55 pm at 5:55 pm #950094PoyaParticipantwants to be a WIY,
Trying to be helpful,
The chamelon,
BP Zaideh,
Rak Od Pa’am
you all Shouldnt be here
April 30, 2013 9:02 pm at 9:02 pm #950096LanderTalmidParticipantResponse to the first post: I don’t understand what the question on the Sifsei Chachomim is, why couldn’t be that Yaakov was concerned that they were mamzeirim from an aishes ish? (an aveirah that Yosef was almost ovver on with aishes Potifar)
May 2, 2013 9:07 pm at 9:07 pm #950097HaLeiViParticipantUh Oh. Now yer gonna get blocked!
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