Reply To: Mechitzah question

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charliehall and rationalfrummie- EXACTLY. If you look at the gemoro in sukkos ,you clearly see that it was a (late?) introduction of “separation” in the SECOND bais hamikdosh. The only real aource for any separationof the sexes (note- separation, NOT mechitza) is from Novih (Zecharay 12).Look at gemoro sukkot 51B and 52A. This is why a balcony is enough- WITHOUT even having any railing(mechtiza0 at all. the separation aspect is the key. R”Moshe zz’l (if my memory is correct) paskens that a mechitza of ten tefochim (appx three feet0 s enough to mark that separation ,as we see in hilchos shabbos. The introduction of a mechitza is only for tefilah “me’ikar hadin”.Tthere are many mentions for the separation of the sexes in other settings but it is only for separation-not a mechitza- and it is -at best- a minhag.