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Your tone doesn’t deserve a reply to be honest. You can see that it is all in the Teshuva he says 18 tefachim which are 3 amos. The Tzitz eliezer holds 3 and a half amos are required. And halachafortoday is a massive talmud chacham and you should have respect for him as well as of course your bar plugta Rav Moshe ztzal who you so vehemently argue with.
The Height of a Mechitza
Horav Moshe Feinstein zt”l writes that a mechitza should go up to shoulder height, in accordance with his opinion that the mechitza is to prevent men and women from mingling.(14) Ideally, Horav Moshe says the mechitza should be at least 66 inches high (17-18 tefachim).(15) However, if the mechitza is only 60 inches high, one should not rebuke those relying on it.(16) A yira shomayim should try to make a mechitza high enough that it goes over the heads of the women.(17) If one raises the level of the women’s section making the height of the mechitza less than 60 inches, it is unacceptable.(18) A shul that does not want to make a mechitza should have the women and men sit on separate sides of the shul. (19)
Mechitza Made Of Glass etc.
One should not use glass as part of a mechitza if by doing so one would be able to see the women during davening. Such a mechitza does not adhere to what a mechitza is meant to be.(20) According to Horav Moshe Feinstein zt”l using glass would be permitted.(21) A mechitza that has a sizable gap towards the top is not valid. If a mechitza has tiny holes in it the mechitza is still valid.(22)
(14)Igros Moshe ibid. (15) Igros Moshe ibid, 1:40, 1:42, O.C. 4:31, Srdei Eish 1:8:page 19-20. The Tzitz Eliezer 20:7 says the height should be around 3 and 1/2 amos. (16) Igros Moshe ibid, O.C. 3:23, O.C. 4:30, 4:31, 32 (17) Igros Moshe ibid. 1:40, O.C. 3:23, Yisroel Kedoshim page 72. (18) Igros Moshe O.C. 3:23, 3:24, O.C. 4:29. (19) Igros Moshe O.C. 1:44. If one finds himself in an Orthodox Shul without a proper mechitza he may daven there if there are no women present at the time of davening (Horav Yisroel Belsky Shlita). (20) Shevet Ha’Levi 1:29. (21) Refer to Igros Moshe O.C. 1:43, 3:23. Only if the women are dressed properly. (22) Igros Moshe O.C. 4:32, Teshuvos V’hanhugos 1:162, Piskei Teshuvos 151:4, see Oz Nedberu 13:67.
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