Reply To: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts

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RF -“I don’t understand how you think the complexities of the male-female dynamic relationship can be worked out in a few dates, overcoming a lifetime of stigma and no prior experience. Imagine if you threw me onto a baseball field and put me at shortstop, without me knowing the rules of the game, how to play, good strategy, or tips to get better. It sould be a disaster. This is what happens to guys who have never talked to girls. They’ve never played the game, don’t know the rules, and aren’t sure how to start.”

This is a nice scenario based on your logic, but not based on reality. The fact is all of us Yeshiva guys did do it and continue to do it. I don’t have to prove to you it’s logical, maybe it isn’t, but this is still the fact, despite your denial.

Maybe Hashem gives Siyata D’shemaya to those who keep his Torah.

You sound like s/o who feels Guilty about their religious behavior and is looking for every excuse in the book why you don’t have to keep Halacha!