Reply To: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts

Home Forums Controversial Topics Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts Reply To: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts


“Sorry to disappoint you , there are thousands of girls and boys that don’t socialize with each other until they are on shidduchim/ dating and then they get married and live happily ever after….. Sorry to burst your bubble….”

And so many of them do NOT, as we are seeing more and more, sad to say. I find myself in agreement with rationalfrummie.

“You sound like s/o who feels Guilty about their religious behavior and is looking for every excuse in the book why you don’t have to keep Halacha! ” (Health)

I kind of think this remark was uncalled-for, Health. Don’t call someone’s behavior into question, when you don’t know the person, and sometimes even when you DO.