Reply To: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts

Home Forums Controversial Topics Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts Reply To: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts


1) Just to let you know who you are hearing from i am a teen and half my friends are off, at risk and a quater are ultra yeshivish-really ultra-beyond sheltered, and the othe quater are in the midle-including me-

so basicly i amd the ones in the middle are not inisant at all- basicly we know everything- BUT we also know how to use the knolage

the kids who are now off or at risk were once ultra yeshivish and there parnents did not let them do anything so when they got the knoledge they did not know how to use it and they went off.

i have tons of friends b”h from all dif. type of backrounds and i am a good observer-not wanting to brag -and i found that kids who were sheltered are the kids who usually go off. and the kids who were not sheltered as much- ie. we wached movies but the worsed we wached were pg (maby even pg13) and the kids who were sheltered and then started goinng off diddnt know that you shoulnt wach edited just in case MOVIES AND so on and so forth

so why am i telling you all this.? basiically dont shelter your kids so much- but dont expose them to much either

2) kids who are hanging out with boys are not gana stop cuz u cose the shop, they are hanging out with guys as a form of rebellion-(which by the way is good sycolagicly…) and they will just go somewhere else


welcome. you make good points. this is an adult forum, so make sure to use spellcheck in the future.