Reply To: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts

Home Forums Controversial Topics Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts Reply To: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts


2smart: those are some good points. Im with you 100% that oftentimes the most yeshivish kids are the ones that go really OTD.

However, I disagree with your last sentence. you can definitely stop kids from doing things. Shabbos, kashrus, shomer negiah, they’re all halachos and mitzvos that stop people from doing things (such as touching, eating pork, or working on Shabbos)! Why is this different?

Oomis: Thank you for calling health out- I think (s)he really went way too far there in making incorrect assumptions and spreading sheker.

Health: Halacha is Halacha, you’re right. But in this case it seems like those that are noheg like rav health, and the mekoros you never quoted often times end up doing very poorly in life, per the study. And by the way, stick to ideas, and avoid personal attacks. Those are generally used by people that don’t have any good ideas.

A mamin: you know there is a shidduch crisis going on, right??