Reply To: Rabbis and the draft

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ROB -“So, because the original medinah agreed to the points that the religious jews wanted (shabbos, kashrut..etc), you accuse the medinah of being kofrim because…- “we knew that they were kofrim” ! can you please explain to me how this logic works?”

Simple. G-d fearing people don’t need the Frum orgs. to force them to have some Torah in their Medina -they would do it on their own. And the reason why they wouldn’t is because they are Kofrim.

“As far as the matter of the gerrer chassidim,vishnitzer chassidim,etc…can you please supply me with serious underlying quotations that they did not want a medinah? R’Itche Meir levin signed the Declaration of Independence, for goodness sake!”

This is what e/o in the Yeshivish Velt says. I’m sure you can find quotes of the Gedolim saying this, but I’m not going to spend my time researching it just to prove you wrong!