Reply To: Women Shtieging on Shavuos

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all those against women learning stam, take that up with sara schnier, as far as im concerned there is NO problem with women learning tanach and yes even with the meforshim. oh wait maybe there is a problem….well there goes like those hundreds of bais yaakovs all over the world. you’re right we sit and stare at the walls and call it learning…

i wasn’t asking if women should be learning gemara all night and getting down that hard sugya- but for a woman to love the Torah which defines our nation is such a problem?

PBT- thank you thank you, totally agree with you! Rebbetzin Heller. Rebbetzin Jungries. Rebbetzin Assaf. Rebbetzin Twerski. Rebbetzin Anyone- they don’t pick a sefer up in their lives!