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Avi K, none of these issues in Israel has to do with chevlei Mashiach or frum Jews. This has to do with one thing only and that is Zionism.

Health already mentioned why your idea would not work; so it has nothing to do with Frum Jews.

Zionists also don’t like our faith and have taken concrete steps to CH”V change it into, lihavdil, Zionism; ask the Teimanim, for instance. From more recent events, just for example, watch online the video of the Israeli “Chidon HaTanach” that just took place, where they turn Tanach into a game show subject and have the obligatory recital (sung by women, of course) of the heretical Zionist anthem to close out the evening, right after Netanyahu proclaims the usual Zionist fantasy that Tanach, is CH”V the basis for their right to Eretz Yisrael and the State of Israel. All the Zionist trampling on the Tanach as they make such a show out of that same Tanach is somewhat like Achashveirosh’s seudah featuring the kelim of the Beis HaMikdash.

So even if American frum Jews, by subjecting themselves to the Zionists, Zionist shmad and all the Zionist security issues and other problems by moving to Israel, would still remain frum (and this is not at all a sure thing), it would anyways not help your cause, as Health wrote.

But even if “making aliya” would help, the first priority of a Jew is serving Hashem as best as he can, not “making aliya”. Misguided “Religious Zionists” may hold otherwise, and this large error is unfortunate.

Regardless, Zionist problems are their own fault, not at all “the fault of frum Jews”.

Similarly, regarding your assertion that this is due to “chevlei Mashiach”, it is, as mentioned, the Zionists who made this mess; not, lihavdil, Jews and Judaism. This mess, therefore, has nothing to do with Mashiach, frum Jews, or anyone else other than Zionists for Zionist folly and resultant outcomes, Hashem Yishmor.