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ROB, I highly doubt you would abandon your A”Z even if I did give sources, speaking of blowing smoke…


Rav Elchonon’s quote is from Ikvisa DiMishicha, as I wrote.

The Brisker Rov’s shita is from Uvdos ViHanhagos LiBeis Brisk.

Speaking of sources, MDD, I presume you are using the well-known forgeries from Rabbi Kasher as your source? Rav Aharon Kotler who was a member of the moetzes and was there, as well as others like the Chazon Ish and many others, are on record as being vehemently against Zionism.

What are your sources that any Gadol was pro-Zionist, CH”V?

Besides, who of their stature wrote that Rav Elchonon and the Brisker Rov were wrong?

Again, the Zionists have no valid answers.