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I assume you meant “cite”, not sight in your post.


There are sites that mention the following hold the oaths as halacha:

Piskei Riaz, Kesubos 13:8

Shailos Uteshuvos Rivash, Siman 101

Maharal (Netzach Yisroel, Chapter 24)

Just Emes:

You haven’t addressed my point that the “Beis Din of Klal Yisrael”‘s psak, whatever that was supposed to allow, was not what happened. So, therefore, that “psak” is anyways meaningless liMaaseh.

Again, bringing up the Ohr Sameach only underscores the crucial need to examine your Rav Moshe story in light of the questions I posed above. The Ohr Sameach did not condone Zionism in any form. He himself cited the oaths, too; but, because of San Remo, he allowed simple emigration to E”Y, not any political rule and not by any fighting, both of which Zionism terribly violated and continue to violate.