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Just Emes:

This is all not normal and none of this is (remotely, on balance) positive, unless you hold like the “MO/RZ” who feel it is “worth it” to sacrifice lives for a state, CH”V.

The State is very much a Zionist state. Netanyahu, at the recent chilul Hashem known as the Chidon HaTanach, claimed that our Tanach is, CH”V, the basis to justify their Zionist state. Of course, the same Tanach that says lo sikrivu liGalos erva, was promptly (further) trampled on as a group of women sang (haTikva) in front of the crowd and these boys whose heads are filled with Tanach. Even for this, they couldn’t have at least gotten men to sing HaTikva. Again, this is at a celebration of learning/memorizing the holy Tanach, not, lihavdil, at some IDF induction ceremony. Does this not bother you?

But, regardless, you can’t divorce the State from Zionism; since the continued existence of the State, like Zionism, is a severe violation of both oaths. So while it might take a neis to correct these violations, that doesn’t change the reality that both Zionism and the State are against the Torah, even if Israel were to be headed by religious Jews.

There is no way to kosher this idolatry, neither Zionism nor its State.

Ad Masai atem pochasim al shtei haSiifim?