Reply To: Makeup on Shabbos

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Halachah is not always black and white, and any yarei shamayim should have standards somewhat above the absolute minimum, each one l’fi madreigaso. “

We surely agree in that! But also keep in mind that the MINIMUM Halacha IS the Halacha. If it were not, then the person would be oveir the Halacha.

If Hashem were displeased with our following only the minimum, wouldn’t ir make sense to say that He have raised the bar Himself l’chatchilah, so that the minimum was much more stringent? I may hold a certain way in a specific area of Halacha that is more personally machmir than another person, but if that person is following Ratzon Hashem, even if it is more lenient than what I do, he is likewise a frum Yid. In any case, I agree that people should always seek to elevate their avodas Hashem, as long as they do not disparage those whose avoda is at a different hashkafic level.