Reply To: Speaking during Kaddish

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The little I know

Several of the points in earlier comments are well taken. Not stopping to answer Kaddish or engaging in conversation that is potentially disturbing to others are wrong. No one can argue. I struggle to understand the use of the CR to complain against an individual, even if anonymously. We have deteriorated to a level of being busy complaining about others. Have we been at the level of perfection in keeping our side of the street clean? Why are we always busy with the spiritual level of others. I have heard elders say, quite rightly, that we should be busy with “yenem’s gashmiyus” to insure they have what to eat and how to subsist, and “dem aigenem’s ruchniyus” one’s own spirituality. It appears that our generation has veered far from this.

If someone is talking in shul, I feel it is needed to just politely and simply ask him to stop from being disturbing. Today, it is common to witness at least one person adopting the position as “G-d’s policeman” and yelling at talkers, shaming them without the need to do so. What they might have accomplished with silencing the improper talk was lost in the aveiro of public shaming – malbin pnei chaveiro b’rabim. There needs to be a more pleasant way to accomplish the goal without committing more aveiros in the process.