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“There is no way to really keep people on and there isnt one reason why people leave.
I would like to suggest a key clue is the word FREI. The choice of words is powerful.”
If someone has made up his mind that he or she wants to go off I agree at that point it is definitely very difficult to change their mind. However before a person gets that far theres many steps and many things have to happen and go wrong, as well as many warning signs ignored.
Its a huge mistake to think that an irreligious person is free. The frei are the least free, he is actually a prisoner and one who keeps the Torah is the most free.
“V’haluchos ma’aseh Elokim heima v’hamichtav michtav Elokim hu chorus al haluchos – The Tablets were God’s handiwork, and the script was the script of God, engraved on the Tablets (Shemos 32:16).[1]
“Al tikrei chorus ela chairus she-ein lecha ben chorin ela mi she-oseik b’talmud Torah, she-kol mi she-oseik b’Torah harei zeh misaleh – do not read chorus (engraved), rather chairus (free), only one who studies Torah is free because anyone who studies Torah becomes elevated (Avos 6:2).
One who is hostage to his own anger, or can not curb his desire for physical pleasure or is forever driven to seek honor and riches may be politically free, but leads a brutal, slavish existence.