Reply To: Women of the Wall (WoW)

Home Forums In The News Women of the Wall (WoW) Reply To: Women of the Wall (WoW)


No, what I am saying is that people saying “for thousands of years, we’ve been davening at the kosel like this” are wrong.

The kosel is not a shul. It’s a holy place where people daven, but it is not a shul. (otherwise 90% of the stuff that goes on there should be protested.)

All I’m saying is that if 10 women want to daven once a month for 20 minutes, in the lady’s section, then let them. There certainly is no halachic barrier for a woman in the woman’s section to wear a tallis. Even if there was, if they’re not going to stop regardless, then what do you gain from fighting them?

Lastly, the only reason why this is becoming a big deal is indeed because the Charedim have made it into a big deal. If they continue to make it a big deal, you can bet that the secular MK’s will start to notice even more and try to rectify, what they perceive, inequalities.