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This is very confusing. There is way too much overlap. I would say there are the chassidim and misnagsim which are Chareidi. Many modern orthodox people which are more Frum and to the right, are almost on the same level as people who are modern yeshivish and Chareidi. It is an overlap, especially considering many modern orthodox people will wear hats, especially at YU. Then there is rabbi avi Weiss and “Open Orthodox” which call themselves orthodox, but in reality, are extremely dangerous and are trying to damage the Torah and turn it into something it is not. They want women to be rabbis, and the whole nine yards. They are WORSE than conservative and reform because everyone knows conservative and reform isn’t Frum, but some people may get confused and associate themselves with these type of people because they are “religious”. One time I got stuck going to a Friday night minyan at this type of place, and it was very bad. The mechitza was flowerpots and it was just gross.