Reply To: Davening in a minyan with a different Nusach

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Davening in a minyan with a different Nusach Reply To: Davening in a minyan with a different Nusach


I had a clear Pesak, that even Kedusha I say Nusach Ashkenaz with the exception of the 1st line of “Kesser Yitenu” which I say Sefard but even then after Kodosh Kodsoh Kodsoh I revert to Ashkenaz.

Pesukei dZimro is surely yur own Nusach of Ashkenaz and not the Shul’s Nusach of Sefard.

Long Tachnun, one can elect to retain Ashkenaz and say the 7 paragraphs before vaYomer Dovid as per Ashkenaz, or say vaYomer Dovid before the 7 paragraphs.