Reply To: About the RCA, I do shudder.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee About the RCA, I do shudder. Reply To: About the RCA, I do shudder.


PBA: I think you should learn a little more about R’ Linzer. If anyone at YCT is Frum, it’s him.

RD: Ethan Tucker is not a “Rabbi”. His distortions of Halachah and the Halachic process would make the JTS Beis Din proud. He knows a lot and sadly uses that knowledge for subversive reasons. If you want to learn from a “Modern” Halachic genius, go join R’ Schachter’s Shiur. How can you learn in a place that you would refuse to Daven in? The lack of understanding of basic things astounds me. Would you learn in a Church? So why do you learn in that Beis Avodah Zarah?