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I agree with DY that R’Altusky was right in his attempts to keep the bachur in yeshiva a little longer, (I, myself wanted to leave after a short while, and BH my Rosh Yeshiva encouraged me to stay a little longer, and I’m still staying strong B’H, and am currently working on a kuntress, B’H with quite a few chiddushim, something I never even dreamt would be within my capabilities) although I must admit, his statement of “no college man can be frum” was harsh, but then again, how sure can we be of his “quote” of R’Altusky? Maybe he didn’t say it like that?? We all have what to learn, and notice that many people here are “frowning upon” (to be nice) those who sit and learn full time. Why is that? Why are you now any better than your supposed “accusers”? Yes, there are those in yeshiva/kollel who do their occasional batalah, but can’t you say that there are those who go to college and aren’t kovei’a itim, or even worse don’t make an honest living C’V (ie ribbis, ona’ah, etc.)? There are those in both fields who aren’t exactly the biggest “tzaddikim” in their respectful fields, yet that is no reason to go on the offensive and bash the other “klal”. It seems to me that those here who are working and typing such nonsensical things almost feel guilty of the fact that they’re working. Listen to your own advice, and respect the fact that you are working, don’t bash those who aren’t because they don’t agree with you.