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Rav Schachter always points out that the Ran says that there is an Issur D’Oraisa of divorcing a woman against her will. There is an additional Cherem of Rabbeinu Gershom against doing it. However, if someone does it then it works. The most effective way would probably be to throw it at her and have it land within her 4 Amos (although shoving it in her hand or her pocket would work too-I think pocket works, hand definitely does). And a person can write it himself. We have rules and Chumros by writing Gittin (most of which I’m not familiar with, I’ve never studied Lema’aseh, only the Gemara and what I heard from Rav Schachter’s Shiurim from a few years back, those are still online though). But Mid’oraisa it works if he writes it properly, has Kavanah, and then just has two Frum friends there when he gives it to her.