Reply To: Biased Coverage�Why was the protest in Brussels totally ignored?

Home Forums In The News Biased Coverage�Why was the protest in Brussels totally ignored? Reply To: Biased Coverage�Why was the protest in Brussels totally ignored?


WIY: Satmar Rebbe ZT”L used to say ?????? ???, ???? ????????”. Nevertheless, more was accomplished than you realize. This was but one battle in a larger “campaign”. It demonstrated to the Zionists that our brothers in Eretz Yisroel are not hefker, showed the world (Jews & non-Jews) that our priority is Torah not nationalism, and served as a wake up call to all of us not to be complacent and have empathy with our religious brethren abroad. When it hurts — you scream, goes the Yiddish saying.

To preserve the Torah we must do what we need to do, which sometimes means laying down the Gemara temporarily so that others may also have the option of learning and staying pure.

Unfortunately pritzus is found in Brooklyn too. Some people can take a lesson in guarding their eyes from you… (For those wondering I’m referring to the sidewalk chalk thread.)

I’m aware I won’t convince the skeptics here. I’m only addressing those that are not blinded by Zionism.