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BTW, today the finance committee was against the proposed cuts (which will probably go into effect anyway) because it effects many Chilonim as well. see the link you sent me! And while you are at it read the last paragraph.

That is my point as well. It is a war (and even Labor MKs see it!). The question you have to answer (I, as you point out, don’t live in EY (and I believe I have the answer, as above)) is why do your fellow Yidden (even those who are Lomdei Torah and Shomrei Torah U’Mitzvos!!!) hate you so much, and what can you do to stop it? As you now see, having a large section of the country hating you is hazardous for funding, let alone for Kavod HaTorah & Kavod Shomayim.

Sorry, it isn’t only for Charadiem. Plenty of Dati leumi and even Many Sephardi Chilonim have large families. Is there anything exclusively for Charediem as you implied?

Of course not. And the districting law in NY was not specifically tailored for Kiryas Yoel.

Who pushed for it & who cares the most if it gets removed?