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“To those who say that gay people don’t choose to be gay, why does the Torah say that mishkav zachar is an abomination and those who are guilty deserve the death penalty?”

It’s very simple.

Some people are born gay. It is not a choice. But BEING gay is also not an aveirah. It is only ACTING on it that brings the death penalty. Many people have pointed out that some are born with a natural inclination to rape and murder, but we don’t excuse their behavior because “they were born that way”. This is very true. We don’t excuse the behavior of rapists and murderers. But a person who is born with the inclination to rape and never commits a rape has done nothing wrong. In fact, he is a true tzaddik.

We all have the yetzer hara for something or other. Some men have a yetzer hara that gives them the desire to partner with other men. They didn’t ask for that desire. All we can require of them is that they not listen to it. But claiming that they don’t have that yetzer hara in the first place, or that they acquired it later in life because of environmental conditioning, or liberal media, or what have you, makes a mockery of their struggles.