Reply To: Where are the Manhigim?

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yichusdik -“When someone tells me that its the aimless, the young, those who won’t listen to guidance who perpetrate this, I first ask, are you sure? How are you sure?

Then I wonder even more. Its clear that in a community where compliance is not mandated, where codes of conduct, dress, conversation, courting, davening, doing business are less defined, There will certainly be those, perhaps many, who do not follow “guidance”, but the nature of the guidance and the communities are less strict and more fluid.

The only implication that is broader, beyond this community in my view is that when posters here are saying that there’s nothing the Rabbis can do, or that if the Rabbis spoke up their life would be in danger, the idea of manhigus through daas Torah is endangered not from the outside, but from within. Very troubling.”

I’m not going to quote your whole post, but your bigotry towards Charedim knows No bounds. Let me ask you this -in the Amish community where there is a strict dress code, which e/o must follow and now s/o commits a crime, do you also blame the Amish elders? Noone in the world would take your drivel seriously for a second if you did, but when it comes to Charedim all of a sudden e/o besides Charedim jump on the bandwagon of hate and bigotry.