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Some people realy really missed the boat.
To state that the Rabbonim condone violence is basically the willful distortion of facts.
In the wider “chareidi” population there has not even been a peaceful demonstration let alone violent.
Because Rav Shteinman along with Rav Chaim and Rav Nissim have stated for what ever reason they have “hafgonos” will not work and other methods must be used
Even though they have made clear their students wil go to jail before they go the Army.
So now lets focus in on Meah Shearim.
What is Meah Shearim?
It is the continuation of the “Old Yishuv” started by Men who traveled at great personal sacrifice to Eretz Yisroel soley to live in Eretz Yisroel because of the Kedusha of the land.
When Zionism was started they opposed it tooth and nail.
They were assured by the newcomers to the Land (after a member of the Eida Charedis was murdered by the Zionists Dr. De Haan) if they would compromise and not publicly oppose them it would be a “live and let live” situation.
So the majority compromised.
However though they comprimised because the nature of a “Jewish State” was so abhorrent to them, they refused to accept a penny from them.
To this very day their Shuls, Yeshivos, and Mikvaos refuse to accept a dime of Money from the State. They take nothing from the “welfare state” either period.
Yet the “state” continually provokes them.
Each year a march is held in their streets to promote “Womens Equality”.
At their Simchas Beis HaShoiva police are sent in to make certain their is no Mechitza.
Again and again the Secular Government attempts to force their schools to adopt what the Secular Government considers a “core curriculum”.
Then when the government passes Laws stating that it is not enpugh that they cannot legaly work, it is not enough that they pay 8% taxes to a government they take virtualy nothing frmo.
If their Young Men refuse to go to the Army of a State they are opposed to on principle they will be Jailed.
And then a young man shows up and some kids think he’s “recruiting” others to the Army they are principaly opposed top.
So the Kids begin to shout at him, not physicaly attack, but shout and yell.
And not adults, not the adults who are facing jail for their beliefs, but kids.
I think that is quite admirable restraint.