Reply To: This goes out to all frum gawkers

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Happens to be I have a great block for this kind of thing (the one time we had an emergency like that, the only people who came out were the ones who helped us- admittedly it was an electrical box fire at two in the morning and I live on a quiet street, but still), but one thing really scarred me. My grandmother has regular (think a few times a week) hospital visits for her medical condition, and one Sukkos, when they were at my cousin’s house, the ambulette service we usually use didn’t show up in time to take her. My grandfather was forced to drive her in on yom tov- you could see that he hated to do it- and a bunch of kids outside playing were all standing by the driveway and staring, talking about the frum yid who was driving on yom tov. I was sickened.

Luckily by me that’s not the norm, and much more often people are really there to help.