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I disagree. Every human can cry even though it is harder for some. There are people who think there is something wrong with crying and think they must be tough or due to a lot of troubles in their lives they become very stoic but anyone can cry. There are people who are afraid to cry. There are people who are afraid to really be that in touch with their feelings and emotions. I can tell you as a guy growing up I always believed a guy has to be tough and should bury his emotions. I had many issues growing up and all I did was build a wall so nothing can penetrate. One day I was able to actually penetrate that wall and I just cried like a baby and once I was able to cry I was able to heal, cry to Hashem and start working on myself to change. I know this is private stuff but you don’t know me so I feel safe in saying this. Either way my point is simply that its healthy to be able to cry and to be able to be moved to tears. Additionally, the power of tears are very mighty in prayer. If one can cry by Davening and if a woman can cry by lighting the shabbos candles and beg Hashem to bring yeshuos for their family and others they have in mind as well as our nation as a whole it is a prayer that Hashem cherishes and listens to because tears come from the deepest recesses of the heart and that is what Hashem wants.