Reply To: Regarding the Draft

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writersoul, it is the Zionists that tar themselves, and it was the gedolim who spoke about it.

Zionism is shmad (and more).

It is important to realize that even “Religious Zionists”, despite their (likely) good intentions, are de facto integrating this shmad into their yahadus.

Understand that this is not like being a member of one political party over another; a “Religious Zionist” on these boards quoted to me in Rabbi Kook’s name that their theology holds “we are Jewish because we are Zionist and Zionist because we are Jewish”. Does that sound like anything Moshe Rabbeinu would agree with?

Given this quote, it underscores the holy words of Rav Elchonon Wasserman HY”D, who wrote in Ikvisa DiMishicha that Nationalism is Avoda Zara and Religious Nationalism is religion in conjunction with Avoda Zara. (And that’s besides for and before the terrible shmad the Zionists did and still do).

Here are his words:

“It is clear that since modern nationalism is fundamentally idol-worship, it follows automatically that the Religio-Nationalist viewpoint is nothing less than idol-worship coupled with service to G-d.”

So, given the above, how would you answer your own question?