Reply To: Shidduch Dating

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I would not talk about my “vision of a future household” on a first date, even with a yeshivish guy. That’s too intense. Get to know each other first! Then bring it up on the third date, by which point you need to decide if the shidduch has serious potential to be going anywhere or not.

Let the conversation flow naturally. If he’s not from your community, ask him about his community. Play some Jewish geography. Ask him if he had any trouble getting to you (it will show thoughtfulness and also open the door to other topics, like traffic, traveling, etc.) If you are in a restaurant, ask him if he’s been there before and what he recommends. If YOU are the one who has been here before, tell him what you recommend.

What does he do? If he’s in school, what does he want to go into? What is his family like? Is he close with them? What are his hobbies?

If the conversation stalls, ask him more questions. You want him to really open up to you. You can tell if he’s thoughtful and considerate based on whether or not he asks you questions (i.e. does he care about you, or is he only interested in talking about himself?)

Hatzlacha! And don’t order falafel 🙂