Reply To: Sadly, the extremism continues…

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Sadly, the extremism continues… Reply To: Sadly, the extremism continues…


Rob you said-“Toi- if you are referring to my pointing out the extremism of some chareidim, so be it. Far from me to paint every cvhareidi with the same brush. On the contrary, I sympathize with many chareidim ,being one ,by the way! However, one has to logical and recognize that trhe other side has valid arguments too.”

but before you said

“In one day, we have three different accounts that put chareidim in a very bad light (bus, fountain, frum soldier accosted). If the chareidi leadership will not rein in these extemists, we will see more hatred towards chareidim and more measures by the general public, who feel that the chareidim are putting themselves “michutz lamachaneh”.

So i think you are schizophrenic.