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1. Did you try asking????

Tell CPS that you arent comfortable with the person you were given and would appreciate someone else. If they ask why, either tell them that you two aren’t getting along because she has a very (insert adjective here) personality, and it’s causing problems. Or that it has to do with she dosen’t get the whole jewish thing (assuming she isn’t jewish, since you used the word christen) and that it’s hard to coaperate with someone who thinks you are strange and weird for living you’re religion.

I really don’t know exavtly what you mean by CPS and the situation, but asking is ussually a first try at a solution.

You arent supposed to coaperate with her? Shes supposed to take notes? Than tell CPS the same thing (my solution above) and wgen they tell you she is just supposed to take notes, then play inoccent “REALLY???? All she does is (insert whatever she does ex. Making comments about things that are none of her buisness or bossing your kids around) I barely ever see her writing notes down! And it’s really not working out, maybe I can have someone who will treat me and my kids a little nicer?”

All in all, Good Luck! Hope everything works out!