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It is true that the Yekke minyan in Beitar wears tefillin CHM, however one of the organizers told me that the Yekke minyan in Ramot, Yerushalayim does NOT because R’ Elyasiv told them it is assur. Also, the Yekke minyan in Kiryat Safer does not, based on a psak from R’ Ulman, a talmid of R’ Vozner. The minyan in Beitar is only ~15 men and would be difficult to classify as “following minhag avos”, since the majority of them are Baalei Teshuva or Geirim.

As CHM guest pointed out while true minhag Erloi is to follow minhagei Ashkenaz of the Chasam Sofer, today most of Erloi have become “Chassidim”. For example, minhag Erloi is to daven nussach Ashkenaz, but a neighbor of mine who is a chassid of Erloi told me that the only people in the shul with Ashkenaz siddurim are the chazzan and the Rebbe. I doubt if the cassiim wear tefillin CHM. So I will bl”n ask my neighbor, but I imagine only a VERY small number of people in Erloi actually are wearing tefillin.