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hello99: “Ashkenazi is a generic term referring to Northern European Jews and indicates nothing about Germanic origin. Just as most Sefardim have nothing to do with Spain.”

Not correct.

Ashkenazic Jews have roots, somewhere down the line, in Ashkenaz (Germany). That is why they are called Ashkenazim, even if they or their parents came from Poland, Lithuania, Russia, or Hungary and never stepped foot in Germany. Because, if you know history, the Yidden migrated from Germany to Eastern Europe due to various persecutions over a long period of time, spanning centuries. So even if they never were there, if you go back generations, you will see that they have a connection to Ashkenaz. That is why the Yidden of Eastern Europe speak Yiddish (Judisch-Deutsch), which is basically a medieval German dialect mixed with some Jewish words and a small amount of Slavic words in some versions. Because they shtam (are descended from) Ashkenaz, if you go back in time.

Authentic Sepharadim have a similiar kesher to Spain.