Reply To: How to enforce Tznius guidelines in a Kehillah

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I’m so confused. Women? In shul? What are they doing there? Nothing better to do? Regardless, if the reason for “violating” (taking the facts and halachah as presented) halachah is a lack of knowledge, respectful communication is obviously the solution.

The OP, however, made it pretty clear that their knowledge isn’t his issue. I then see 4 possibilities of dealing with his issue: 1. Persuasion; 2. Compulsion; 3. Separation; 4. Nothing.

1. Persuasion is generally difficult.The most effective form would be to convince someone to act in their own self-interest while demonstrating why and how you care about their self-interest. Empathy and rapport needed.

2. Compulsion is most effective in the short term and least effective in the long term. A gun to one’s head works for nearly anything until the police get there. Resentment will inevitably arise. Incarceration may result. This one is least pleasant. Moving to Afghanistan may help you avoid incarceration though.

3. Separation works well in dealing with others’ behavior you can’t control. The problem is, often you have to do the separating or employ methods 1 or 2 to have the other party leave.

4. Nothing. This is the solution for the person who is comfortable in their own skin and recognizes that attempting to control others is useless and fruitless, and often a sign of personality disorders.

Don’t get me wrong, caring about others is important. But that’s not what these things tend to be about. And cut the sanctimonious shmiras einayim and arvus garbage. Arvus requires that you be decent to others. Shmiras einayim is only an issur “im ikka darka achrina.” Getting the women to stop doing laundry in public wasn’t what the gemara said. Just don’t go to places of pritzus unless you have to.