Reply To: Tznius or Shalom Bayis

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Gavra-at-work and the rest of the modern-leaning chevrah, there are beferushe Gemoros that it is a mitzvah to get divorced if the wife does not conform to the basic laws of tznius — Gittin 90B, Kesuvos 72A and someplace in Sotah.

ROB, don’t you start up!

MDD: Very good. Except that is not Tznius, but Da’as Yehudis. (I’ve posted numerous times regarding the difference between them. That is not one time or one place, but all the time.

As I said earlier, the severity of the infraction has to come into play as well.

P.S. I’m surprised you are calling me “modern” but then arguing that in Europe they didn’t follow these Halachos. Perhaps it is you that is “modern”?