Reply To: Tzitzis

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Tzitzis Reply To: Tzitzis


Nisht- There it is again. Calling someone “rat”, as well as “irrational,” and accusing me of not being frum as you have in the past, is oinaas devorim. You should have learned that in years ago.

In case you didn’t get my reference, “gashmius” is a term that means physicality, and the nature world. Being concerned about the thickenss or size of tzitzis, rather than the kashrus or hiddurdikeh quality of the tzitzis is gashmiudik, and should be avoided.

Whatever you say about me doesn’t nullify the fact that you write your posts in the “royal we” having the chutzpah to assume people agree with you. Unless you have daas that they do, don’t say “we.” It’s pashut!!! In sefarim, no one says “we,” they say nirah li, or some similar HUMBLE phrase.

Again, calling my posts unkosher is another case of choshed biksharim that is on your head! Where is your evidence? If anything, you are the person here that has been repeatedly warned by mods and had your comments edited- not me! Get the facts straight before pointing fingers, and maybe point one at yourself for a change. And LAB- yeah, its a lot easier to attack than to defend. glad to help.