Reply To: Why no mention of Rav Ovadiah in Monsey/Lakewood, etc.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why no mention of Rav Ovadiah in Monsey/Lakewood, etc. Reply To: Why no mention of Rav Ovadiah in Monsey/Lakewood, etc.


Before you go disrespecting all of monsey and lakewood, saying how now you have no respect for them and all that, step back. A gadol bYisroel was just niftar. The first thing you can do is make more machlokes by pitting against ashkenazik communities? just because this is online does not mean you are not responsible for the loshon hara and the damage you cause.

We are all affected by this huge loss equally. A gadol bYisroel, whom we need desperately, has been lost. Baruch Dayan Haemes