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It is so interesting how all of you are saying it has no effect of that vaccines dont kill when they do. Not every child dies from the vaccines, some become disabled, autistic, have autoimmune disorders, infertility, ADD.

I would like to see you drink all the additives from all vaccines that are given to children and see what would happen, well Jack Doubleday offered $20,000 to the first licensed medical dr or pharma CEO to drink it in public. the offer was increased in August 2007 to $90,000, so far noone came forward to drink this dose of chemicals.

Read the Simpsonwood reports which had people from the WHO, pharmaceutical companies, vaccine compansation program and scientists who looked at data proving that vaccines cause neurological disorders. They altered the data so that noone should see the info because they would be in trouble. The original data was finally extracted and everyone saw how the data was altered.

There is aluminum and MSG in vaccines. the MSG destroys the blood brain barrier and the aluminum will make the mercury more toxic. I dont know if you realize they give multiple vaccines at a time, some contain mercury and they all contain aluminum.

Why dont the Amish people have autistic kids? They dont vaccinate, eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. There are actually 4 children with autism among them, 3 were adopted after being fully vaccinated and 1 was living next to a power plant.

Since the vaccine scedule increased we went from 1 out of 10,000 autistic kids in 1983 to 1 out of 98 in 2008. Doesnt anyone connect the dots?

There are plenty of Drs out there that are speaking out about the dangers of vaccines.

Dr Russel Blaylock is great, he is a neurosurgeon, who wrote a book Excitotoxins: the taste that kills. He spoke about this too, and can get his speech online. He also has great articles on his website explaining how autism is caused by vaccines. At the end he writes how his friend was speaking to scientists and health officals in Italy when he was told, We all know that vaccines can cause neurological damage, but we must keep this from the public because it might endanger the vaccine program.

It sickens me to see how parents hold down their children so that deadly poison can be injected into them,R”L, causing them all kinds of problems. Dr who dont educate themselves about the dangers of vaccines and continue to tell people that they are safe are basically killing our children. Noone would want to harm their own child so start Educating yourself about the dangers. There are plenty great sources to go to.

Gary null has great documentaries, Autism :made in the USA, the drugging of our children, and vaccine nation- which is about someone who was put in jail because of shaken baby syndrome, but finally got out because there was proof that the vaccine killed the child.

The Hep B vaccine causes autoimmune disorders like diabetes.